Final Project Idea: Student Discount App

31 Mar 2020


The problem: One of the many perks of being a student is receiving discounts just for being one, but sometimes it can be difficult to know what discounts are available to you whether online or at your physical location. There are some online resources that connect students to discounts but they tend to only be for online use and not include what is available locally. Hawaii is known for its strong affinity to it residents and its Kama’aina discounts around the island which includes ones available to students they may not be aware of.

The solution: Create an online system where students can view discounts available to them and share ones they have found, along with rating the discounts and being shown recommendations for ones they may be interested in.


A user will create their profile and specify their common interests. The app will populate a list of available discounts both locally and online that correspond to their specified interests. Users can search for specific discounts by category and by location, along with being able to add information about a discount they are aware of but is not available on the website. A simple star rating system will be used to let users know whether the discount in question is popular by having a high rating, or possibly no longer offered by having a low rating.

Mock up pages:

Use case ideas

Some of the possible use cases:

Beyond the basics

Some considerations after the basic functions have been implemented: